Download seo software for your website to attract more visitors

There is a misconception that SEO- texts – this article , intended only for robots. In fact, SEO- texts – is unique , competent and interesting for the readers of the article , with the difference that the key words in them is slightly larger than normal articles ( advertising , blogging , information , etc.). SEO- copywriting job called copywriter for writing SEO- texts. CEO – texts – the main tool for promotion of websites in search engines . This text is characterized by the presence of mandatory keywords and meet additional requirements.

If the requirements for plain text – literacy, ease of perception and semantic load , the SEO- texts must also consider the uniqueness, a certain number of occurrences ” of keywords ,” ” nausea ” and the use of tags .

Consider these concepts in more detail :

1. Uniqueness

This is the first thing that is determined by the search engines . Search engines index contains only those pages that are unique in its filling . Search engines can even penalize sites that contain non-unique texts . Services define the uniqueness called Antiplagiat and typically use two parameters – a shingle and GAP .
Shingle called verifiable Antiplagiat specific piece of text, and GAP – a step shingle . Anti-plagiarism checks all the documents contained in the web, the presence of these texts in shingles . The uniqueness of the document depends on the length of a shingle .

2 . Keywords ( “keys” ) and ” nausea ” text

Keywords – it queries the target audience interested customer. A copywriter task – to write unique and interesting article where these “keys” will meet with the desired frequency.
” Nausea ” – is the frequency of repetition of key words in the text . Robots are very ” do not like ” texts with a high density of keywords . Norm ” sickness ” is 3-4 % of the total number of words in the text.
Some customers indicate the number of “keys” in the terms of reference , the other immediately asked to enter keywords in the text of a specified frequency. One or two occurrences per thousand lines of text characters is considered optimal .

Location ‘key’ it is best to negotiate with the customer. By default, the keywords to evenly distribute the text , given that they should not stand in the beginning of the sentence .
“Keys ” can be used in the text in the direct and indirect entry . Unless specified otherwise , copywriter enter ” keywords ” in the literal occurrence . Complex keys consisting of several words, you can break a comma , dash, colon , parentheses ( opened or closed ) , and quote a semicolon. You can not break down words point , question and exclamation marks .

3 . Working with tags

Professional SEO- copywriter should be able to use special tools Internet – tags.

Tags – special symbols used for hypertext markup pages. The tags are converted text written copywriter in the text content of the site. Many customers are willing to adequately remunerate the author knows how to properly use certain tegi.Teg – a letter or word , is between the two angle brackets – “<” and “>” . First tag – opening – located in the beginning of the segment allocated tag text. Second tag – closing , characterized by the presence of the opening slash, – located at the end of the fragment.

With text highlighted tags required text fragments . Nomenclature tag is very broad , and their list is constantly updated.
SEO- copywriting – a well-paid job that requires certain skills. Possession of such skills as the ability to correctly enter “keys” to properly distribute them in the body text to identify ” sick ” of the text , work with tags and links , greatly increases your status as a professional SEO- copywriter. If in addition, your texts will be readable , talented and useful to the customer , then your reputation and earnings will be consistently high .

Obviously, the higher the position of a site in the open list , the more likely it is there will go a visitor. SEO – is a complex optimization measures that bring site on leadership . One component of this process is SEO copywriting .

It seems that trick the search engines , simply a more frequent use of keywords in queries lyrics site. But the developers of search programs are constantly improving them . Excessive amount of key phrases regarded as meaningless spam. A spammed not welcome! Competent seo copywriting – is not only the uniqueness and the inclusion of certain words in the article , it is also correct drawing texts !

For a person consider opening sites as sources of information , you need quite a bit of time to decide to stay on the portal. Snatch that look for a few seconds? Just a few phrases from different blocks of text. Probably , the visitor will see headlines and highlight text. Remarkably, if these fragments will carry basic information . Seo copywriting – this is the procedure to create a text which makes them attractive not only for the search engines , but also for visitors.

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