Download seo software for best optimization results

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), area activities include work in the field of information technology , the aim of which is becoming popular to download seo software, on the conclusion of a site position in the issuance of certain queries major search engines . Probably everyone who has ever once used by Yandex , Google , or by Rambler to find this or that information on the Internet knows that getting results, or as they are called ” ranking ” is represented in the positional order, that is , according to the defined numbering . At the same time we do not go on the second and third page, and limited to the first results. Few people know that it is most of them are SEO sites , ie, the maximum resources to satisfy the requirements of search engines. Their main difference is the leading positions for certain search queries . It would be logical to tell you what is SEO site by defining the concept.

I was at a friend’s house the other day and he showed me your website so I gave some advice and opinions on the development they had done for your business. This is an offline business, a freelance had conducted a purely informative web page, so that people could find it via the Internet . The page was not bad . Was aesthetically very attractive and give a good image of the company , but had some problems that directly influenced their promotion on search engines .
I explained that a seeker , when browsing the website to index your different pages, which are the texts reads the page , so that all the decoration of spreadsheets and other dynamic elements like Flash animations do not count for anything at the time to understand that it is talking to and what are your main keywords . Therefore , it is worrying to create a attractive texts , not only for people who visit the site , but so that search engines are more easy to understand it and index if we download seo software, this option with the keywords that he wished to be related .

This does not sound strange to people who deal with issues of promotion of web pages , but for my friend who does not have much idea of these themes , it seemed to be speaking Greek and could not understand what I meant and what was wrong page .

So I had the idea of ​​showing you the web with a text-only browser , ie a system that shows only the text of the page , which would be more or less what would a searcher ‘s time to process it. There are some products that do just that and we want to show that besides other data that search engines interpret too, as are the META tags. Seeing his website only with the texts it contained , could understand what I was trying to explain and demonstrated how the different pages of your site in many cases contained information that was not complete and not encompassed keywords for which wanted to be found in the search engines .

So I thought that this feature would be interesting to make it known to people who are starting to learn how to promote their own pages , and want to have a more accurate idea of how your website can be read by search engines. Seo – ask us a URL and then shows us the page you are at that address as the search engines would see . For more performance we recommend to use a seo software. Moreover , since we are analyzing a page has a link to switch to advanced mode, so that we obtain additional data on this page , such as META tags , page links ( internal and external ) , the same size , images (with or without a alternative text ), etc. .

SEO Text Browser Domain Tools

Another browser SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) , text mode, which shows your web page as it would see the searchers . This is also not a browser but a web service that allows you to see only the text of the page . The tool has a similar appearance to a browser and in addition has an address bar that lets you change the URL we want to see .
The texts appear slightly built into paragraphs , which facilitates reading . Furthermore , when you click on a link that appears on the page automatically shows you the contents of that page within the browser SEO . Everything works Ajax without having to reload the entire page to see the results , which gives an impression of actually being in a browser .

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